naturtag.widgets.taxon_images module

Image widgets specifically for taxon photos

class naturtag.widgets.taxon_images.TaxonImageWindow

Bases: ImageWindow

Display taxon images in fullscreen as a separate window. Uses URLs instead of local file paths.


Open window to a selected taxon image, and save other image URLs for navigation

property idx: int

The index of the currently selected image


Remove the current image from the list


Select an image by index

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("TaxonImageWindow" inherits "ImageWindow": )
class naturtag.widgets.taxon_images.TaxonInfoCard(taxon, user_observations_count=0, delayed_load=True)

Bases: InfoCard

Card containing a taxon thumbnail, name, common name, and rank

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("TaxonInfoCard" inherits "InfoCard": )
class naturtag.widgets.taxon_images.TaxonList(user_taxa, **kwargs)

Bases: InfoCardList

A scrollable list of TaxonInfoCards

add_or_update_taxon(taxon, idx=0)

Move a card to the specified position, and add a new one if it doesn’t exist. Return True if a new card was added.

Return type:


add_taxon(taxon, idx=None)

Add a card immediately, and load its thumbnail from a separate thread

Return type:



Replace all existing cards with new ones for the specified taxa

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("TaxonList" inherits "InfoCardList": )
class naturtag.widgets.taxon_images.TaxonPhoto(taxon=None, **kwargs)

Bases: HoverPhoto

A photo with a taxon reference and hover effect

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("TaxonPhoto" inherits "HoverPhoto": )