naturtag.widgets.autocomplete module¶
- class naturtag.widgets.autocomplete.TaxonAutocomplete¶
Autocomplete search that gets results from a local SQLite database. Allows cycling through autocomplete results with tab key.
- event(self, arg__1: PySide6.QtCore.QEvent) bool ¶
- next_result()¶
- on_select¶
An autocomplete result was selected
- on_tab¶
Tab key was pressed
- search(q)¶
- select_taxon(name)¶
Triggered by selecting a taxon name from the autocomplete list
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("TaxonAutocomplete" inherits "QLineEdit": Methods: #49 type=Signal, signature=on_select(int), parameters=int #50 type=Signal, signature=on_tab() #51 type=Slot, signature=select_taxon(QString), parameters=QString )¶