
Package downloads can be found on GitHub Releases. Platform-specific installation instructions are below:


These packages and installers are brand new, and not yet throughly tested on all platforms. Please create a bug report if you find any issues!

A DEB package is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives. Download naturtag.deb and run:

sudo dpkg -i naturtag.deb

An RPM package is available for Fedora, RHEL, and derivatives. Download naturtag.rpm and run:

sudo rpm -i naturtag.rpm

For other Linux distributions, a Snap package is available. Download naturtag.snap and run:

sudo snap install naturtag.snap

Download naturtag.dmg, double-click the file, and drag to Applications to install.

A Windows installer is available here: naturtag-installer.exe

Python package#

You can also install naturtag as a regular python package, if you prefer:

pip install naturtag